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安恒公司 / 产品信息 / OptiView Link Analyzer链路分析仪增加实时VoIP诊断能力
OptiView Link Analyzer链路分析仪增加实时VoIP诊断能力
2005-11-11    安恒公司 技术部       阅读:

福禄克在OptiView LA产品中增加了实时VoIP诊断的能力Internet Telephony 撰文介绍关于福禄克网络公司在 OptiView 链路分析仪(OptiView Link Analyzer 7.0)和协议分析专家网络监控与分析解决方案中增加实时 IP 语音(VoIP)诊断(包括每呼叫服务质量跟踪)的消息。福禄克网络公司的产品经理 Robert Finlay 认为,IT 经理应更好地掌握网络基础设施以了解是否可以应用 VoIP。他说:“IP 语音是全球各家公司所部署的*关键的应用之*,但很多 IT 经理并不知道他们现有的基础设施是否支持 VoIP,*旦部署后便很少会去规划管理他们的 VoIP。”

Fluke Adds Real-Time VoIP Diagnostics To OptiView

Fluke Networks announced that real-time VoIP diagnostics, including call-by-call Quality of Service tracking, are now part of its OptiView Link Analyzer and Protocol Expert network monitoring and analysis solution. The addition of the VoIP diagnostics is intended to enable network managers to view all levels of VoIP activity on their network, from very broad-based call volume and call quality to individual call channel details, thus allowing for real-time identification, isolation and repair of call quality issues.

"Voice over IP is one of the most mission critical applications being deployed by corporations around the globe,” says Robert Finlay, Fluke Networks Product Manager. “Yet many IT managers can’t check to see if their existing infrastructure will support VoIP, and even fewer have a plan for managing VoIP once it’s deployed. Without useful monitoring and troubleshooting solutions like the new versions of OptiView Link Analyzer and OptiView Protocol Expert, call quality may cause nothing but user complaints and frustration."

The VoIP analysis features in OptiView Link Analyzer provide a real-time view of call volume and Quality of Service (QoS) for instantaneous identification of trends leading to call degradation. This enables troubleshooting before end users are impacted. Additionally, this information can be used to track down misconfigurations in network infrastructure. The real-time capabilities provide IT professionals with continuous vision of VoIP call quality in dynamic, changing network environments. OptiView Link Analyzer and Protocol Expert are available for immediate delivery through Fluke Networks’ sales channels worldwide.


责任编辑: admin

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